Protecting your property in Atlanta, Augusta, Fayetteville, Woodstock, Suwanee, Marietta, Hiram, and Aiken SC from mites is an integral part of your home and business ownership. Mites are arachnids, part of the same class of eight-legged exoskeletal pests as ticks and spiders. Though incredibly small, they can still cause an outsize amount of irritation to humans and plants. There are thousands of different types of mites found throughout the world, so correctly identifying them is key to controlling an infestation. To protect your Atlanta, Augusta, Fayetteville, Woodstock, Suwanee, Marietta, Hiram, and Aiken SC, home, or business, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.

What are Mites?
Mites are mostly microscopic. Pest control experts at Peachtree Pest explain mites can resemble ticks although mites are smaller and have longer, more delicate legs. Mites break down decomposing organic matter, are adaptive, and make their homes in a wide variety of habitats. Bird mites, or bird lice, prefer warm and humid living conditions and are most active during the early months of spring and summer.
How Do I Identify Mites?
Mites have tear-shaped bodies, with six long legs. Mites are different colors, and some species can be transparent and are small but can get to as large as 6mm long. Most of them have a tan or brownish color. There could be allergic reactions, such as with dust mites, and damage to plants and property caused by mites infesting birds and their nearby nests.
Clover Mites
Among the largest mites in Atlanta, Augusta, Fayetteville, Woodstock, Suwanee, Marietta, Hiram, and Aiken SC, Clover Mites are still tiny, usually under a millimeter in length. As a parthenogenetic species, clover mites reproduce asexually, with females producing as many as 70 eggs in a single clutch. They are prone to invading homes during the winter and exceptionally moist weather. While not especially dangerous to humans, they can be leading indicators of more significant problems impacting your home’s ability to keep out more hazardous pests. They are also infamous for leaving red splotches when killed, though they are not human blood despite the blood-sucking tendencies of other mites.
Spider Mites
Spider Mites are incredibly tiny, but they can be dangerous due to their near-microscopic size. While not especially dangerous to humans, they can be devastating for plant life, especially for people who keep extensive collections of plants or businesses that operate gardens or greenhouses. Spider mite damage can usually be recognized as light-colored dots or specks on plants’ leaves. They may seem insignificant at first, but they are leading indicators of a pest that can severely damage and even kill your plants. Spider Mites are frequently unaffected by typical bug treatments as arachnids and require more expertise.
How Did I Get Mites?
Professionals at Peachtree Pest Control state you can get mites by changes in humidity levels around your home or business. Anything that creates moisture can contribute to an infestation and can cause mite populations to increase. Bird mites are naturally found where birds have accessible water, roosting spots, and sources of food. When birds nest in trees, property exteriors, and interiors, they bring their parasitic mites with them. Also, second-hand furniture that had been infested may bring them into your home or business.

What Are the Effects of Mites in and Around My Home or Business?
An infestation of mites can impact the health of people in or around your home and business. They can become a nuisance when mites enter the property due to their ability to lay thousands of eggs quickly. There can be severe skin irritation, itching, and, in extreme cases, dermal damage if mites pest control steps aren’t taken to exterminate them.

How Do I Get Rid of Mites and Prevent Mites?
Moisture control can be helpful when trying to control mites. Pest control experts at Peachtree Pest Control recommend keeping your home or business well-ventilated. Close gaps or openings around your property, and use a vacuum if nests are found. However, adequate mite treatment and mite prevention often require the help of a pest control professional.
Peachtree Pest Control offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent mites from invading your home or business in Atlanta, Augusta, Fayetteville, Woodstock, Suwanee, Marietta, Hiram, and Aiken SC. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding the core of the pest concern and controlling mites from the source. Through IPM, pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment.
Call Peachtree Pest Control today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 855-732-2487 or schedule online today!
Protecting Your Home or Business From Mites With Peachtree Pest Control
Peachtree Pest Control offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent pests from invading your home or business in Atlanta, Augusta, Fayetteville, Woodstock, Suwanee, Marietta, Hiram, and Aiken SC. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding the core of the pest concern and controlling Mites from the source. Through IPM, pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment.
Call Peachtree Pest Control today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 855-732-2487 or Schedule Online today!